Imagine a world where bustling cities turn quieter, schools shut down due to fewer kids, and economies struggle to balance the needs of an aging population with fewer working hands. It may sound like science fiction, but this is a reality many countries could face by the end of the century.
The issue? Falling fertility rates. According to a report by McKinsey Global Institute, major...
Parenting Competency Test: When you think of Denmark, you picture the epitome of progressive governance, right? Land of hygge, world-class pastries, and bicycles galore. But recently, Denmark has added a new feather to its cap: redefining parenting by removing newborns from their mothers hours after birth. Yes, you read that correctly. In November 2024, Danish authorities decided that a Greenlandic Inuit woman’s love wasn’t...
Sri Nityananda Mishra published this piece on 02nd June, which he says...
Sri Nityananda Mishra published this piece on 02nd June, which he says was a...
Continued from: Textbook Laundry
Most of all the progressives were able to work their mischief because of the control they came to acquire over institutions...
Continued from: The Doped Way Repeats
In the last fifty years whatever research work is done and whatever technique and line of writing (our history...
Continued from: Universal Social Order
Girls were given apt education and fair opportunity to grow up in a free environment, with dignity. At the time...
Continued from: To Contain A Heart's Desire
But in other words, this word means a certain particular, universal social order attached to the status quo...