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The essential rules for contributing to the MediaBird Magazine

Please take some time to review this entire page as it clearly explains the guidelines, the submission process, and the type of content we accept.

Thank you for showing interest in writing a guest post for MediaBird Magazine. We are glad you are here.

  • Content must be unique, we don’t republish previously covered topics.
  • An article must be very well-written — grammatically and stylistically.
  • We hold the right to remove your content from the MediaBird Magazine if it, or its part, will be published on the other websites. In this case, we care about the internet free of duplicate content.
  • Your post needs to provide value to our readers — we respect our followers and don’t want to bother them with low-quality content. Check out our latest posts to not duplicate topics.
  • Your post must be relevant — it should cover one or more key topics that involve: Culture, Leisure, Newscast, Odyssey and Rendezvous.
  • Success stories, and statistical articles are more than welcome.
  • Stay positive — skip offensive topics, content and negative comments on competitors.
  • Don’t be too pushy and too promotional.

Hop you understand that following these rules will help your favourite website valuable and reader-friendly.

Guidelines for submitting a post

Follow these guidelines to prevent rejections:

  • An article should cover a minimum 1000 words.
  • Title shouldn’t be longer than 55 characters.
  • Content should be divided into smaller paragraphs containing proper headings, sub-headings, stats, images and outbound links.
  • Outbound links — do not overreach the limit of 5 links per article. If you want to link to yours or your partner’s website, we can guarantee 1 follow and 1 nofollow backlink, one of them can contain the keyword appropriate for linked URL. Moreover, we reserve the right to remove included links if they aren’t related to the text, doesn’t give any value for our readers or can harm our website’s authority.
  • Create content for users, not for SEO. Keywords are important to get ranked in search engines. However, avoid keyword stuffing, just focus on providing value to the readers.

Where to send your well-prepared article?

  • Content should be sent to and attached in Google Docs.
  • Submission should include a short author bio and profile picture. Links to your websites and social networks would be an asset.
  • All graphics (~1600 x 1000 px) should be attached to your submission in .jpg or WebP. All the graphics and images must come from a legitimate source (please provide the source!).